Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


The cult of reading in the views Vasil's Sukhomlynsky from the position of the XXI century

Author: Gych Galina Nikolaevna
Fund: Abstracts of speeches
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: reading of students of "new literacy", the cult of reading by Vasyl Sukhomlynsky, specifics of reading of students of "new literacy", technologies of activation of reading behavior of children and teenagers

Gich G. M. (2018) The cult of reading in the views of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky from the standpoint of the XXI century [Kult chytannia u pohliadakh Vasylia Sukhomlynskoho z pozytsii ХХІ stolittia]. Mykolaiv, pp. 47 – 51, (ukr).


The thesis is devoted to the peculiarities of modifying the reading behavior of students of the "new literacy" in terms of the creative heritage of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky. The comparative characteristics of the interpretation of the concept of "reading" from the point of view of an outstanding teacher and their adequate theoretical terms of scientists of the XXI century are given. Vasyl Sukhomlynsky's scientific achievements are interpreted from the point of view of text pedagogy and reading as an extremely necessary theoretical direction of scientific and methodological research.