Formation of media competence as means of influence on emotional, cognitive, and volitional development of personality
Author: Nazarenko Liudmyla Anatoliіvna, Palamar Svitlana Pavlovna
Fund: Monographs
Category: Media education
Keywords: media education, student's media competence, media socialization, media competence, tools of influence, media environment, media text
Nazarenko, L., & Palamar, S. (2019). Formuvannja mediakompetentnosti jak zasobu vplyvu na emocijnyj, koghnityvnyj ta voljovyj rozvytok osobystosti [Formation of media competence as means of influence on emotional, cognitive, and volitional development of personality]. New stages of development of modern science in Ukraine and eu countries : monograph / [edited by authors]. – 1st ed. (рр. 309–330). Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing. doi: https://doi.org/10.30525/978-9934-588-38-9-13. (ukr).
The article analyzes the state of modern education, actualizes the need for its qualitative changes and priorities, new requirements for the organization of innovative educational activities of schoolchildren. Theoretical research of scientists on media competence and media socialization of students is analyzed. The essence of concepts «media competence of the student» and «media socialization» is deepened based on the reviewed literature. The article dwells on contradictions as factors of socio-psychological and educational problems, which indicate the understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the usage of media in the learning process. It also researches the dependence of the world perception of high school students on their presentation of information. The authors highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using media in the learning process, the dependence of students’ perception of the world on its representation by television, cinema, magazines, newspapers, radio and the Internet. Pedagogical approaches and conditions of successful formation of media com¬petence of students, and which make it possible to create a favorable learn¬ing environment for emotional, cognitive, volitional development of young people are proposed. The essence and structure of media competence is characterized. The methodical system of high school students’ media competence formation for acquiring moral orientations is researched. The stages of the organization of the formation of media competence of students are defined. It is stated that during the formation of students` media competence a significant role is played by the consideration of methodological and technological factors. To prepare modern students for life in society, we also need to consider his individual qualities, abilities, willingness to use media technologies, solve practice-oriented, research and creative tasks, take into account the peculiarities of perception of media texts by teenagers. The formation of students’ key competencies requires certain innovations in the educational process. It should be organizational content and technological innovations. Therefore, it is necessary not to abandon the media, but to teach the child to consume media products consciously, distinguishing real values from fake ones. Thus, there is an urgent need for further development of media education. The components, criteria, indicators and levels of formation of media competence, which allow to influence the comprehensive development of students, to avoid negative influence due to purposeful manipulation of media and distortion of messages by them, are established. The use of innovative types of work for the acquisition of media competence by students is suggested.