Estimationof the case-tools characteristics based on the one-parameter rasch’s model
Keywords: CASE-tools, life cycle of the program, software system, estimation, measurement theory, Rasch’s model
Pohromska, H.S. (2019). Otsinka kharakterystyk Sase-zasobiv na osnovi odnoparametrychnoi modeli Rasha [Estimationof the Case-tools characteristics based on the one-parameter Rasch’s model]. Visnyk Kremenchutskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Mykhaila Ostrohradskoho, 5(118), 83-89 (ukr)
Purpose. Improving the efficiency of software development processes with the help of a methodological framework leads to solving the CASE-tools choice as a way to streamline processes, which support the software systems’ life cy-cle. Methodology. Taking into account the complexity of expert methods in practice, it was proposed to use a statistical procedure for assessing CASE funds in order to select a specific instrument. Traditional methods of data collection are focused on questionnaires, surveys or official reports processing. Findings. The features of CASE-tools and their possi-bilities for designing software systems are considered. There are four main components that can be evaluated by CASE tools: analysis, design, development and infrastructure. The main criteria for evaluating and choosing CASE-tools are the following: functionality, reliability, support, transferability. In addition, the criteria include costs, implementation and its effect. On the other hand, the automation of data collection processes will enable the data collection on the use of various CASE-tools, taking into account different points of view. In this case, this question arises further statistical information processing. Thus, we propose to use the results obtained within the modern measurement theory. Original-ity. The methodological approach in solving the task of evaluation and the choice of CASE-tools are developed in order to increase the efficiency of software systems production processes life cycle. Practical value. We propose the ap-proach to the CASE-tools estimation for designing and developing software systems based on one-parameter model application according the modern theory of IRT measurements. For its practical application, it is necessary to collect the initial data which signs can be evaluated. It is possible to implement it either by creating questionnaires and conducting questionnaires, or by using automated means of data collection, in particular on the Internet. Further research will be devoted to the automated data mechanisms creation and collection to determine CASE-tools estimation. References 15, tables 1.