Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Comparison of modern electronic services for the organization of testing in mathematics lessons

Author: Makhrovska Natalia Anatoliivna, Pohromska Hanna Serhiivna
Fund: Abstracts of speeches
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: digitization, online tool, control, testing

Makhrovska, N. A., & Pohromska, H. S. (2020). Porivniannia suchasnykh elektronnykh servisiv dlia orhanizatsii testuvannia na urokakh matematyky [Comparison of modern electronic services for the organization of testing in mathematics lessons]. Innovatsii v osviti: suchasni metodyky ta yikh praktychne zastosuvannia. Materialy II Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii. Kherson : Molodyi vchenyi (pp. 94-98) (ukr).


The emergence and maintenance of interest in mathematics in students largely depends on how diversely constructed educational and extracurricular activities. Online services for teachers and students allow you to create tests, handouts, take tests, gain practical skills in solving problems with the help of simulators. Mathematical games, puzzles, interesting tasks, crossword puzzles, anagrams are of great importance in the development of interest in mathematics. A comparison of electronic services for testing according to the criteria outlined by the authors. Prospects for further work are to develop guidelines for mathematics lessons using electronic test services.