Formation of informational-communicative component of the professional competence of a subject teacher in the system of in-service education
Keywords: informational-communicative competence, informational-communicative technologies, In-Service Teacher Training Institute
Desiatov, D. (2011). Formuvannia informatsiino- komunikatsiinoi skladovoi fakhovoi kompetentnosti vchytelia-predmetnyka v systemi pisliadyplomnoi pedahohichnoi osvity [Formation of information and communication component of professional competence of a subject teacher in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education]. Veresen, 1–2 (54–55), 61–66 (ukr).
In the article components of the informational-communicative competence of a subject teacher are defined, basic obstacles on the way o f its effective formation are revealed, the role o f In-service Teacher Training Institute in formation and development o f the informational-communicative competence of a subject teacher is under the author's consideration