Development of school social science and corresponding methodical training of a future teacher in the 80 s of the xx century
Keywords: a social science teacher, methodical training, influence, positive factors
Starieva, A. (2011). Rozvytok shkilnoho suspilstvoznavstva ta vidpovidnoi metodychnoi pidhotovky maibutnoho vchytelia u 80-ti rr. XX stolittia [Development of school social science and the corresponding methodical preparation of the future teacher in the 80s of the XX century]. Veresen, 1–2 (54–55), 74–81(ukr).
Reformation of methodical training of a future social science teacher cannot be carried out without considering the experience of the past, leading ideas, methods which provided the high level of a teacher ’s readiness to professional activity. In the article the analysis of the problem of influence of school social science development in the 80's of the XX century is carried out. Some possible positive factors to be used now are defined