Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Polycultural aspects of modern history lesson

Author: Desyatov Dmytro Leonidovy`ch
Fund: Articles
Category: History
Keywords: polycultureness, methods of formation of polycultural competence, methods of teaching History

Desiatov, D. L. (2011). Polikulturni vymiry suchasnoho uroku istorii [Multicultural dimensions of the modern history lesson]. Veresen, 3–4 (56–57), 50–56 (ukr).


In the article methodical requirements for organisation of History lesson in poly cultural erevircnment are defined. Leading methods of teaching History aimed at forming students‘s polycultural competence are concerned. Methodical scheme of analyzing historical sources at History lesson from the viewpoint ofpolycultureness is offered by the author