Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


School social science industry and in-methodical preparation of future teacher of social science in the years of independence of ukraine (beginning 90th - to now)

Author: Stareva Anna My`xajlivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Social science
Keywords: social science education, subject methodical preparation

Starieva, A. M. (2011). Shkilna suspilstvoznavcha haluz i predmetno-metodychna pidhotovka maibutnoho vchytelia suspilstvoznavstva v roky nezalezhnosti Ukrainy (pochatok 90-kh rr. – do sohodennia) [School social science branch and subject-methodical preparation of the future teacher of social sciences in the years of independence of Ukraine (early 90's – to the present)]. Veresen, spetsvypusk, t. 2, 124–131 (ukr).


The article is sanctified to the analysis of conceptual bases of development of school social science industry of times of development of the independent Ukrainian state and processes of modernisation of preparation of future teacher of social science. An author outlines the circle of tasks that stand now before higher pedagogical education in the context of transition of preparation of teacher on the terms of step education and innovations middle school