Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Information and communication technologies professional activities teachers: concept genesis contents

Author: Tykhonova Tetiana Valentynivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Informatics
Keywords: information and communication technology professional teacher, information and communication technology training, information product pedagogical purpose

Tykhonova, T. V. (2011). Informatsiino-komunikatsiini tekhnolohii profesiinoi diialnosti pedahoha: henezys zmistu poniattia [Information and communication technologies of professional activity of a teacher: genesis of the content of the concept]. Veresen, spetsvypusk, t. 2, 136–141 (ukr).


The author substantiates the notion of "information and communications technology professional teacher" and considers the development stages of the content of this notion