Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Social and psychological methods of school classification and management style of management in education

Author: Halamendyk Volodymyr Danylovych
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: Leadership style; attitude to teachers; correlation; oratory skills

Khalamendyk, V. D. (2011). Sotsialno-psykholohichni metody upravlinnia shkoloiu ta klasyfikatsiia styliv kerivnytstva menedzhmentu v osviti [Socio-psychological methods of school management and classification of management leadership styles in education]. Veresen, spetsvypusk, t. 2, 141–144 (ukr).


In ihe article the actual problem of today - social and psychological methods of school management. Based on research conducted by Professor NL Kolominskym, explain the concept of "leadership style" is considered classified management styles of leadership in education.