Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Design and production of visual teaching aids for natural and mathematical school subjects with 3d technology

Author: Tykhonova Tetiana Valentynivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Technologies
Keywords: a means of illustration, 3D printer, 3D printing, web repository of three-dimension models.

Tykhonova, T. V. & Bohdanov, O. S. (2012). Proektuvannia ta vyhotovlennia zasobiv naochnosti dlia shkilnykh predmetiv pryrodnycho-matematychnoho tsyklu za dopomohoiu 3D tekhnolohii [Designing and manufacturing of visual aids for school subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle with the help of 3D technologies]. Veresen, 1–2 (58–59), 96–103 (ukr).


The article discusses the possibility of 3D printing technology for the production of visual teaching aids.