Interactive learning materials for a modern lesson computer science as a form of realization of inverted ideas teaching
Author: Pohromska Hanna Serhiivna, Makhrovska Natalia Anatoliivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: іnteractive primary materials, turn over, online resource
Pohromska, H.S., Makhrovska, N. A. (2002). Interaktyvni navchalni materialy do suchasnoho uroku informatyky yak forma realizatsii idei perevernutoho navchannia [Interactive learning materials for a modern lesson computer science as a form of realization of inverted ideas teaching]. Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka. # 55. Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour» (рр. 48-50) (ukr).
Interactive learning materials are becoming popular and relevant for the initial process of a modern school. Interactive exercises are integrated into the school lesson and are used to learn the material and achieving certain learning outcomes by students. The purpose of interactive tasks is to provide students with the opportunity to learn the material, to achieve the results of the lesson with positive, thematic-oriented learning tools. Interactive materials can be divided into different groups for didactic purposes: to present something new material, generalization or verification of the level of acquired knowledge and skills. The introduction of interactive materials in the structure of a modern lesson in computer science requires teachers to have practice-oriented experience in creating and using interactive materials of different types: interactive plans executioners, boards, sheets.