Учні нової української школи як носії «нової грамотності» і суб’єкти освітнього процесу
Keywords: “New literacy”, students of “new literacy”, “new reading”, teaching methods, techniques and technology, competency-based activity lesson.
Gych, G. M. (1019) Uchni Novoi ukrainskoi shkoly yak nosii «novoi hramotnosti» i subiekty osvitnoho protsesu [From Pupils of the New Ukrainian School as bearers of "new literacy" and subjects of the educational process]. 1, 5–7 (ukr)
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of "new literacy", which significantly determines the changes in school education of the XXI century. Some psychophysiological features of students' behavior as carriers of such literacy and subjects of the educational process are considered. Theoretical concepts are analyzed in order to determine the possible actions of the teacher in the construction of the New Ukrainian school. Specific methods, techniques and technologies of teaching are offered, which can be used by teachers to develop the strategy and tactics of the competence-activity lesson.