Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Competence in methods of a primary school teacher in the system of lifelong education

Author: Khortiv Anna Valeriyivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Elementary School
Keywords: methodical competence, primary school teachers, in-service teacher education, in-service training’s functions.

Khortiv, H. V. (2014). Metodychna kompetentnist uchytelia pochatkovykh klasiv u systemi bezperervnoi osvity [Methodical competence of primary school teachers in the system of continuous education]. Veresen: naukovyi chasopys, 3–4(68–69), 48–54 (ukr).


Regulatory framework of in-service education of primary school teachers is defined in the article. The concept of «a primary school teacher's methodical competence» is clarified by the author. The principles of creating, organization and implementation of professional development of primary school teachers are highlighted.