"Clip" thinking of youth: friend or foe of learning?
Keywords: clip; clip thinking; clip consciousness; young people; training.
Gich, G. M. (2015). "Klipove" myslennia molodi: druh chy voroh navchannia? [From "Clip" thinking of young people: friend or foe of learning?] 257 (269), 38-42 (ukr).
The article considers the problem of the phenomenon of “clip” thinking as a form of perception of the surrounding reality through a diverse, mosaic, fragmentary perception of information. Studying this phenomenon will allow you to more effectively build the learning process. The positive and negative sides of clip thinking are considered, the specificity of its manifestation in the learning process is indicated. The study and analysis of this way of thinking of modern children and adolescents will allow you to take this specificity into account when organizing and implementing training in educational institutions on fundamentally different methodological approaches with the widespread use of innovative forms of teaching material