Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


The problem of correspondence of educational process methodical maintenance in physics to the requirements for the formation of secondary school pupils’ competencies

Author: Sharko Valentyna Dmytrivna, Liskovych Olena Volodymyrivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Physics
Keywords: competence, key competences, subject competence, educational-methodical supply.

Sharko, V. D. & Liskovych, O. V. (2015). Problema vidpovidnosti metodychnoho zabezpechennia navchalnoho protsesu z fizyky vymoham do formuvannia kompetentnostei uchniv osnovnoi shkoly [The problem of conformity of methodical providing of educational process on physics to requirements to formation of competences of pupils of the basic school]. Veresen: naukovyi chasopys, 1–2 (70–71), 55–63 (ukr).


In the article the correspondence of the educational-methodical supply of physics teaching in secondary school to the competency teaching requirements is analyzed. The results of the study of curriculums, textbooks, manuals in physics for the 9th form are represented.