Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


One of the methods of the experimental skills development in the fifth form pupils during learning the "nature study" course

Author: Klymenko Liudmyla Oleksandrivna, Bratoshevska Svitlana Viktorivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Natural sciences
Keywords: experiment, lesson, practical work, educational process, nature study.

Klymenko, L. O. & Bratoshevska, S. V. (2015). Odyn iz metodiv rozvytku p҆yatyklasnykiv pid chas vyvchennia kursu «Pryrodoznavstvo» [One of the methods of development of fifth-graders during the study of the course "Science"]. Veresen: naukovyi chasopys, 1–2 (70–71), 64–77 (ukr).


The article is devoted to the methods of non-traditional practical lesson with demonstrative experiments as an effective way of the development of experimental skills in the fifth form pupils, their interest to the nature study, bringing up human qualities (hard¬working, tolerance, national dignity) in the process of "nature study" course.