Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Teacher’s professional development in terms of reforming Mykolayiv educational sector

Author: Shuliar Vasyl Іvanovych, Byelova Iryna Myxajlivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Postgraduate education
Keywords: development, strategy, formal, non-formal and informal education, andragogy, model to professional competence of the teacher.

Shuliar, V. I. & Bielova, I. M. (2016). Profesiinyi rozvytok pedahoha v umovakh reformuvannia osvitnoi haluzi Mykolaivshchyny [Professional development of a teacher in terms of reforming the educational sector of Mykolayiv region]. Veresen: naukovyi chasopys, 1–2 (72–73), 3–11 (ukr).


The authors have attempted to summarize the experience of the Institute staff on the building of strategies and tactics of professional development pedagogs in the region.