Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Peculiarities of developing the strategy of the education institution as a condition of its formation in modern conditions

Author: Fedosova Anna Olegivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: educational organization, educational institution, educational institution, strategy, strategic management, strategic planning, SWOT analysis, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, Strategic Objectives, Strategic Flexibility.

Fedosova, A. O. (2019). Features of development of strategy of establishment of education as condition of his becoming in the modern terms. September, 3–4 (82–83), 53–59 (ukr).


This article is devoted to the consideration of strategic planning in the educational establishment of Ukraine in view of the prerequisites of autonomy and solitude of their functioning, which arise in connection with the continuation of the New Ukrainian School reform. In this case, the decision of the management of the educational institution may be the desire to achieve efficiency or to change something, as well as the need to act and solve the problems that have arisen. The SWOT analysis technique will help to determine the development of the institution in the conditions of favorable or hazy influences of the external environment, based on the strengths and modularity of overcoming the weaknesses of the institution. This method implements a strategy’ design approach to reflect the maximum use of the full potential of the educational organization, its internal and external capabilities. The result of the SWOT analysis is the compilation of profiles of the current state of the external environment of the educational institution and the identification of strategic problems and the development of a strategic program for the development of the institution. So you can see and understand the prospects of growth in the position of educational institutions, determine what can be achieved, as well as what you can rely on, what options to strengthen or, conversely, to hide. That is, it is about highlighting the key success factors of an institution. In the context of instability of the external environment of the educational organization, strategic flexibility is important, which also ensures the use of SWOT methodology. Using a comprehensive analysis approach to formulate strategies, an educational institution is a modern strategic organization that can lead the change in education in Ukraine.