Databases: design and implementation
Author: Pohromska Hanna Serhiivna, Makhrovska Natalia Anatoliivna
Fund: Methodical recommendations, manuals
Category: Informatics
Keywords: databases; DBMS; designing
Pohromskaю, H. & Makhrovska, N. (2021) Bazy danykh: proiektuvannia ta realizatsiia: Navchalno-metodychnyi posibny. Mykolaiv: MOIPPO
The basic concepts of database theory, data models, database architecture and classification. In particular, attention is paid features of the relational model and normalization processes. Issues of database design and security are revealed. The manual can be used to study the theoretical basics and acquisition of practical skills of design, implementation and operation of databases in the Microsoft database management system SQL Server version 2008 and higher. Designed for teachers of computer science ZZSO, teachers ZVO and students specializing in computer science, in particular learn the basics of databases