Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


The ways of infomedia competence formation in lessons of foreign literature

Author: Lukyanenko Dariya Viacheslavivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Media education
Keywords: critical thinking; ethical communication; infomedia literacy; media space; fact-checking

Lukyanenko, D. V. (2020). Ways of forming infomedia literacy in lessons of foreign literature. September, 2–3 (85–86), 36–43 (ukr).


The article analyzes the importance of infomedia literacy in the educational context. Different scientists ’views on the «media» concept and its components are considered. Emphasis isplaced on the possibilities of the subject «Foreign Literature». It has been found that translated works are more promising for the media competence formation. This is due to the fact that while doing some learning tasks it is advisable to compare the original text and its translation. The Ray Bradbury's novel «Fahrenheit 451» is taken as the basis for proving this opinion. The text written in the middle of the XXcentury1 is still relevant for high-tech XXI century. The article considers the writer’s opinion on the major problem of the novel - the negative impact of television on an information consumer. Today the information pressure is increasing as well as the number of influence channels. The result is the same. Thus this outstanding science fiction novel is a valuable material for the media literacy formation. To help a teacher the article offers a number of tasks based on «Fahrenheit 451». Due to them teachers and students will be able to improve their skills in working with Internet sources and they will learn to distinguish informative content from manipulative. There are selected exercises for working with different types of media texts such as covers, infographics, book trailers, video presentations, etc. The purpose of such tasks is learning how to consume high quality media products and how to create original ones. There are given tasks for practicing ethical teamwork. Such exercises will help to group students and teach them to express their opinion clearly and concisely, to argue it, to listen and hear the other people s views. perceiving and respecting everyone ’s position. The article defines the further research prospects ofthe «Foreign Literature» program works in terms of media culture formation.