Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Pedagogical views of Yakov Chepiga in the context of New Ukrainian primary school

Author: Stepanets Natalia Mykhailivna
Fund: Articles
Category: New Ukrainian school
Keywords: concept; experiment; observation; public education; reform; teacher selfeducation; the nature of the child

Stepanets, N. M. (2020). Pedagogical views of Yakov Chepiga in the context of ideas of the New Ukrainian primary school of the present. September, 2–3 (85–86), 98–107 (ukr).


The article establishes the correspondence of Yakіv Chepiga ideas with the current educational reform in the primary education system, presented in the «New Ukrainian School» Concept. The author of the article identifis the value of a great teacher’s leading ideas which have practical meaning in transforming the modern Ukrainian school with preserving childhood values, humanizing learning, ensuring children’s creativity, especially in primary school. The dialogue of different pedagogical generations reveals the role of education in life and society. Emphasis is placed on some issues of the educational process, the requirements for the teacher and experimental work. The article presents the content and results of the all-Ukrainian experiment «Methodological support of primary еducation while implementation of the new State Standard of Primary General Education».