Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Self management in the context of Yakiv cChepiga’s views

Author: Fedosova Anna Olegivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: educator; self-education; self-improvement; self-management; teacher; YakivChepiga

Fedosova, А. A. (2020). Self-management in the context of views of Y. F. Chepiga. September, 2–3 (85–86), 130–137 (ukr).


This article is devoted to a teacher’s Self Management in the context of the modern views and the opinion of Yakiv Chepiga, a prominent teacher and creator of the national school in Ukraine. This public figure is interesting because of his work as a teacher and his concepts about the teacher personality. The topic is revealed through a comparison of the current ideas about professional self-management and Yakiv Chepiga’s views, set out in his work «Teacher Self-Education». Many similarities have been found, particularly the definition and the culture of education, which can be an example for the student community. Namely, the things in common are abilities to overcome obstacles, to achieve goals, to be resilient, to influence people etc. Yakiv Chepiga set up high professional requirements for a primary school teacher such as love for children, constant self-improvement. The author considered the teacher to be a «cultural force» that transmits to children not just knowledge but light. He considered a teacher an example to be followed. Therefore the main goal of Self Management can be defied as a guideline for the best use of their own capabilities and resources, overcoming any circumstances and barriers both at work and in private life. Yakiv Chepiga confirmed it, noting that the teacher work is designed for the benefits of others, and that is why it requires to set aside the main from the secondary. The understanding of self-development is relevant and it is followed by scientists nowadays.