Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871



Author: Mileiko Olha Oleksiivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: family heredity; noble cause; teacher’s dynasty; values; vocation.

Mileyko, O. O. & Krasnokutska, O. P. (2020). The teacher is their vocation... September, 4 (87),140–147 (ukr).


The article tells about the teacher’s dynasty and its significance for New Ukrainian school formation, the issues of future citizens’ education. It tells about the valuable experience of three teacher generations from Novovasylivka village in Yelanets district. The article also says about the pedagogical dynasties’ contribution to the corporate culture and building teachers teams (every fith educational institution has got a dynasty). That’s what Vasyl Sukhomlynskii mentioned in “Conversation with a young school principal”: “Any primary and secondary school team is rich in people with bright individual talents, abilities, intelligence, talents. The core is that these individual traits are manifested in a strong-willed individuality, in a deeply developed human dignity and self-esteem” (Vasyl Sukhomlynskii, Kyiv, 1976, p. 385). As for pedagogical experience heredity and transfering values from wise and experienced teachers to the younger ones, Kostiantyn Ushynskii believed that the teacher must share their experience, opinions, discuss concerns about the chosen path or education methods. The best experience of one teacher should be known to all teachers in the country, and not remain within one school(L. Fediaieva, Kherson, 2011, p. 498). Nowadays teachers often refer to the European teaching experiences and values, however today the pedagogical dynasties’ domestic experience is no less important. It should become a factor for improving pedagogical skills, teacher’s creativity and leadership, it is also a source of progress through study and communication. This experience should serve as a lever in the other practices, it can be disseminated and implemented. The experience of teachers’ families is the basis on which the pedagogical skills of future teachers and, possibly, new pedagogical dynasties will grow.