Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871



Author: Shuliar Vasyl Іvanovych
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: acmemodel; education; educology in literature methodology; logicalsemiotic model; stages of information comprehension; valeological norms; valeologization of the literature lesson

Shulyar, V. I. (2021). Methodical strategies and tactics of valeologisation of a modern lesson/study of literature (first article) September, 1 (88), 4–17 (ukr).


Articles have attempts to orient pedagogical workers to the optimal choice of methodological strategies of valeologization of the educational process and the system of literature classes in order to keep children’s health. Analyzing different approaches the author of the fist article offered a personal understanding of the concept «education in the methodology of literature». The peculiarities of valeologization of the educational process and the lesson are clarified. Based on the content of the psychological subsystem of the lesson (Nadezhda Ostroverkhova) its components are singled out. The operational concept of intelligence by Jean Piaget, the requirements for the lesson in the system of noosphere (environmentally friendly, bioadequate) education (Natalia Maslova, Alexander Subetto) are taken into account. The prescriptions of pedagogical valeology and methodical features of the valeologically oriented lesson and its stages are singled out. Taking into account the stages of human comprehension of information, a logical-semiotic model «Stages of information comprehension in the literature lesson: psychological and methodological paradigm» was developed. For the implementation of strategic directions and tactical actions of the subjects of literary education in the educational space, its components are identified. The components of the valeologically oriented lesson were built in compliance with psychological requirements, didactic and methodological features, valeological norms, healthcare model. Tactics of actions of agents of literary education in the educational space should be carried out according to the following components: 1) positive motivation of reading activity in the literature lesson; 2) solving literary and artistic problems of the valeological direction; 3) taking into account the individual styles and capabilities of the agents of literary education; 4) providing conditions for motor activity of students-readers in the process of the formation of the literary competence; 5) ensuring the reflexivity of the agents’ actions of the literature lesson (ontological and psychological). In the future, the author will propose the methodological principles of valeologization of a modern literature lesson (the article two).