Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


From media experiment to practice: 12 classes with a media educational background

Author: Zaporozhchenko Maksym Volodymyrovych
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Media education
Keywords: information competence; mass media; media culture; media education; media educational activity; media experiment; media hygiene; media literacy; media psychology; media traumatization

Zaporozhchenko, M. V. (2021) Vid mediaeksperymentu do praktyky: 12 zaniat iz mediaosvitnim tlom [From media experiment to practice: 12 classes with a media educational background]. Mykolaiv : OIPPO (ukr).


The collection contains 12 educational and methodological developments aimed at improving approaches, forms and methods of teaching, intensifying the creative activities of participants in the educational process for successful and effective end-to-end integration of elements of media literacy in the content of subjects. Summarizes the work of the regional creative group "From media experiment to practice: work with media content in class and extracurricular activities", which operates on the basis of the Mykolaiv Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute within the program of the All-Ukrainian experiment pedagogical practice "and the Concept of implementation of media education in Ukraine. The publication will be useful for teachers, students, scholars and anyone interested in media education, media literacy and media culture.