Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871



Author: Kovalenko Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Sadovska Valentina Vasylivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Culture
Keywords: advertising and library technology; badge; business cards; cultural equipment; corporate style; corporate symbols; image advertising; information culture; letterheads; library technologies; library website; prestigious advertising; reader’s tickets.

Kovalenko, L. M. & Sadovska, V. V. (2021). Modern methods of popularizing the library. September, 1 (88), 132–140 (ukr).


The article is devoted to the issue of popularization of the library, it is necessary to properly convey information about your library, to tell about your services so that users have a desire to learn more about it. Modern methods are advertising, the formation of the image of libraries. At the heart of the formation of the image of the library - corporate identity, which is an important element of the library and information institution. Recently, names have become commonplace - special badges, emblems or identifiation, information cards that are attached to the clothes of employees. In the age of electronic technology, libraries cannot stay way from the benefis of a web site. Libraries post on the sites information about the library, services, electronic catalogs, provide the opportunity to order books by e-mail. It is stipulated that the introduction of modern library technologies in the practice of libraries will allow more effient use of internal reserves of libraries, rationally solve the organization of library work, improve the quality and effiency of user service.