Reading of students of the "new literacy" and the tradition of explanatory reading by Konstantin Ushinsky
Keywords: "broken mirror", F-and Z-reading patterns, Konstantin Ushinsky's "explanatory" reading, literacy, morphology semantic reading, Gutenberg diagram, quasi-reading, reading, scrolling and skimming, "sliding off sight".
Gich, G. M. (2020). Chytannia uchniv «novoi hramotnosti» i tradytsii poiasniuvalnoho chytannia Kostiantyna Ushynskoho [From Reading of students of the "new literacy" and the tradition of explanatory reading by Konstantin Ushinsky]. Veresen, 1–2
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the “new literacy” reading activities within the post-literacy context. In the article there are main characteristics of the post-literacy, in which new reading practices of students are being formed nowdays. In the article there are main characteristics of the post-literacy, in which new reading practices of students are being formed nowadays. Children and adolescents' reading is considered in terms of "explanatory" reading by Konstantin Ushinsky, who laid down the base of "explanatory" reading. Taking into account the emergence of new reading behavior forms among children and adolescents the issue of "explanatory" reading is really relevant. The basic students reading practices (traditional and new) within New Ukrainian School are given. It describes modern reading practices (scrolling and scimming) which are common to the most 21st century children. The basic concepts that complicate the reading process (dyslexia, reading phobia, bilingualism) are interpreted. The main characteristics of the explanatory and semantic reading of the 21st century students are presented.