Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Digital technologies for the development of students' creativity in practice teacher of natural sciences and mathematics

Author: Pohromska Hanna Serhiivna, Makhrovska Natalia Anatoliivna
Fund: Abstracts of speeches
Category: Innovations
Keywords: creativity, digital technologies, Phet Colorado, Visnos, GeoGebra, Desmos,

Pohromska, H. & Makhrovska,N. (2022). Tsyfrovi tekhnolohii dlia rozvytku kreatyvnosti uchniv u praktytsi roboty vchytelia pryrodnycho-matematychnykh dystsyplin [Profesiina diialnist uchytelia v umovakh tsyfrovoi transformatsii osvit. Zbirnyk nauk. ta nauk.-metod. pr.]. Khmelnytskyi: Vydavnytstvo KhOIPPO, 216-218 (ukr)


The purpose of a modern school is to prepare a competent, capable graduate to effectively adapt in the choice of professions in demand in the labor market. In the lessons of the natural-mathematical cycle, the development of creative a person who is able to generate new ideas, put forward creative proposals for modern conditions of change in education are relevant. According to the authors, creativity is an integral feature of competency-based learning. The latter is mplemented through interactive technologies, gamification, development of critical thinking, communicative orientation. Digitization is a convenient mechanism for the effective development of students' creativity, thanks to interactive resources, visualization tools and interaction in synchronous and asynchronous modes. The means of digitization include: the availability of the Internet, access to online services, the ability to work with modern electronic devices (computers, martphones, tablets), etc.