Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


The thematic module "Improving the information literacy of teachers natural sciences on the example of the topic "Fundamentals of athematics statistics: charts and graphs»

Author: Makhrovska Natalia Anatoliivna, Pohromska Hanna Serhiivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Media education
Keywords: mathematical statistics; critical analysis; schedule; chart; fact; judgment; visual literacy

Makhrovska, N. & Pohromska. H. (2022). Tematychnyi modul «Pidvyshchennia infomediinoi hramotnosti vchyteliv pryrodnychykh dystsyplin na prykladi temy «Osnovy matematychnoi statystyky: diahramy ta hrafiky» [The thematic module "Improving infomedia literacy of teachers of natural sciences on the example of the topic" Fundamentals of mathematical statistics: diagrams and graphs"]. Mizhnarodnyi proiekt «Vyvchai ta rozrizniai: info-mediina hramotnist» u Mykolaivskomu oblasnomu instytuti pisliadyplomn


The module includes tasks and activities that can be used in the study of the theme of the school course of mathematics "Fundamentals Mathematical Statistics: Charts and Graphs ". They are critical analysis of the obtained results from the point of view of mathematics and statistics.