Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Introduction of educational technology edutainment by teachers of social sciences

Author: Hladun Vitalii Viktorovich
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Humanities
Keywords: educational technology, edutainment, game, interactive methods

Gladun VV Introduction of educational technology education by teachers of social science subjects / V.V. Gladun // Continuing education as a means of professional growth of a teacher (Ternopil, Ukraine, February 25, 2022). Scientific, methodical, information collection of the Ternopil Regional Communal Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education / Editorial Board: OM Petrovsky, VS Mysyk, IM Vitenko, Janowski, FI Polyansky, GI Gerasymchuk, NB Stryivus. Ternopil: TOKIPPO, 2022. - P.60-66


Today in the modern educational process the neologism "edutainment" ("learning and entertainment") is gaining popularity. This is essentially the acquisition of knowledge and skills during game exercises. Editing is considered as an educational technology that combines game techniques, methods of interactive and active learning. The method of civic education involves the use of more interactive game methods through subject-subject interaction. An effective interactive game method for solving the problems of civic socialization of high school students are simulation or business and role-playing games that facilitate the formation of socially valuable relationships.