Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Development of initiative and enterprise of students by project activity in the educational process of physics

Author: Liskovych Olena Volodymyrivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: Competence approach, key competency, enterprise competence, competence structure, physics education

Liskovych, O. V. (2019). Rozvytok initsiatyvnosti ta pidpryiemlyvosti uchniv zasobamy proektnoi diialnosti v osvitnomu protsesi z fizyky [Development of initiative and enterprise of students by project activity in the educational process of physics]. Naukovi zapysky. Seriia : Pedahohichni nauky, 177(1), 216-220 (ukr)


The article highlights the actual problem of development the initiative and enterprise of students in the process of involving them to the project activity in the educational process of physics. It has been established that the issue of implementing through pithy line of the "Enterprise and financial literacy" and the key competence of the "Enterprise and Initiative" is insufficiently studied, although the modern life requires from the school graduate to be competitive, able to solve various problems, orient themselves in the labor market, and organize own work activities. On the basis of analysis the scientific publications, the normative documents that regulate the introduction of a competent approach in study, the author specifies the essence of key competence "Initiative and Enterprise" as a structured complex of personality traits, which provides the ability to initiate new ideas and implement them, efficiently and effectively use energy, material and financial resources, solve problems related to their own social status and well-being, as well as the development of society and state in general. In the structure of this competence are singled out, cognitive, activity and personal components, their content is specified in the light of main types of activity, which students are involving during study of physics. The technological component of the process of developing the initiative and enterprise of the students are related methods, forms and means of learning. The author substantiates the expediency of using the method of projects to form the initiative and enterprise of students. Taking into account the content of the components of this key competence, the criteria of selecting their subjects are formulated. In particular, the content of the projects should disclose the physical foundations of modern production processes; principle of operation, structure and rules of effective use of technology; methods of determining the coefficient of utility of devices and facilities; ways of rational use of all kinds of resources; application knowledge of physics in different professions, their demand in the labor market. The article presents examples of students' projects focused on the development of students' initiative and enterprise.