Keywords: cooperation; democratic approach; humanization of education; participants in the educational process; pedagogy of partnership
Vitkovska, O. D. (2021). Use of partnership pedagogy in the educational process. September, 4 (91), 24–31 (ukr).
The article reveals the essence of the concept of «partnership pedagogy» as a direction of pedagogical thinking and practical activity aimed at democratization and humanization of the educational process. It is established that in the conditions of modernization of education, one of the main vectors of optimization of the educational process is the creation of a favorable atmosphere of cooperation of the «pedagogical triangle» teacher - students - parents. This task is realized in the joint activity of teachers and students, teachers and parents and involves mutual understanding, unity of interests and aspirations for the personal development of the child. The orientation towards partnership at school has become traditional for national pedagogy. New approaches to the implementation of the principles of partnership pedagogy are disclosed in the current regulatory documents of the education system, namely: in the Law of Ukraine «On Full General Secondary Education» and in the Concept of «New Ukrainian School».