Didactic fundamentals of data-technological skills formation of senior pupils during the process of study
Keywords: technological approach to studying, data-technological competence, technological knowledge, data-technological skills
Lunova (Pohromska) H. S., Dydaktychni zasady formuvannia informatsiino-tekhnolohichnykh umin starshoklasnykiv u protsesi navchannia [Tekst] [Didactic fundamentals of data-technological skills formation of senior pupils during the process of study] : dys... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.09 / Lunova Hanna Serhiivna ; APN Ukrainy, In-t pedahohiky. - K., 2008. - 343 ark. - Bibliohr.: ark. 309-343
Theoretical basis and new approach to solve the actual problem of data-technological skills formation of senior pupils during the process of study are given in the dissertation. The author analyses the problem presented in psychological and pedagogical literature of native and foreign researchers. It formulates the concept of “data-technological skills” and presents its structure. Didactic conditions and didactic model of data-technological skills formation of senior pupils during the process of study has been considered. The research includes criteria and levels of data-technological skills formation of senior pupils and presents the method or their pedagogical diagnostics. The effectiveness of the presented model of senior pupils data-technologic skills formation has been experimentally proved. Main results of the research have been introduced into the process of study of several secondary schools and pedagogical university specialities.