Keywords: futsal players; macrocycle; physical finess; physical qualities; planning; training.
Experts, emphasizing the inconsistency of the level of football development in Ukraine with the world level and national interests and needs, among many reasons highlight the lack of organizational and methodological support of the educational and training process, including lack of scientifially sound system of integrated control. training of football teams of Ukraine. In view of the above, the authors of the study suggested ways to optimize the physical capabilities of futsal players and improve technical and tactical actions in preparation for competitive activities. Rationally organized process of training work during physical training will allow to develop in various ways and at the same time proportionally diffrent motor qualities of futsal players. High indicators of functional readiness are the basis for performing work in aerobic and anaerobic modes. Appropriate combination of work in such modes will signifiantly increase the effiency of improvement and training of futsal players. The large amount of movement in futsal is due to the high emotional background as an important factor that maintains interest in training and helps to properly transfer significant physical activity, helps to increase the level of functional finess and moral and volitional qualities. Research methods are: theoretical analysis of scientifi and methodological literature, anthropometric measurements, motor tests, functional diagnostics, pedagogical observations.