Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Media education of the Mykolayiv region: from the experience of experimental work educational institutions

Author: Maksym Volodymyrovych Zaporozhchenko
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Media education
Keywords: Украинский английский иврит Медіаосвіта, медіакультура, медіаграмотність, інформаційна гігієна, інтеграція, цифрова безпека, інфомедійна грамотність Mediaosvita, mediakulʹtura, mediahramotnistʹ, informatsiyna hihiyena, intehratsiya, tsyfrova bezpeka, infomediyna hramotnistʹ 120 / 5 000 Media education, media culture, media literacy, information hygiene, integration, digital security, information media literacy

Media education of the Mykolayiv region: from the experience of experimental work of educational institutions / Edited by : M.V. Zaporozhchenko. – Mykolaiv: OIPPO, 2022. – 234 p.


Recommended for publication by the academic council of Mykolaiv Oblast of the Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, protocol dated September 28, 2022 No. 4 The collection contains a description of the experience of implementing the all-Ukrainian program of the experiment "Standardization of the end-to-end socio-psychological model mass introduction of media education into domestic pedagogical practice" experimental educational institutions of the Mykolaiv region of various types: preschool, general secondary, after-school, professional (vocational-technical),postgraduate pedagogical education, residential educational institutions type and libraries during 2017–2022. The publication will be useful for teachers, pupils, students, scientists and everyone, who is interested in the development of Ukrainian media education.