WHILE PLAYING, WE LEARN: formation of gaming competence preschoolers through the introduction of quest technology
Author: Lebid Galina Serhiyivna, Sokurenko Olena Oleksiivna
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Pre-school education
Keywords: Quest technologies, improvement of practical skills, promotion professionalism, research of the theoretical foundations of the application of quest technology, quest components, stages of development, its algorithm carrying out, determining the criteria for evaluating the completion of the quest, etc.
WHILE PLAYING, WE LEARN: formation of gaming competence preschoolers through the introduction of quest technology: collection work experience / Ref. : H. S. Lebid, O. O. Sokurenko. - Mykolaiv : OIPPO, 2022. – 180 p.
Approved by the Academic Council of the Mykolaiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, protocol dated April 27, 2022 No. 2. The collection presents the experience of preschool education institutions of the Mykolaiv region on the introduction of quest technology into the educational process with the aim of forming the game competence of preschoolers. Recommended for directors, Methodist educators and educators of preschool education institutions.