Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Cultural-linguistic component of professional competence of a modern educator

Author: Kuznietsova Anastasiia Mykolaivna
Fund: Abstracts of speeches
Category: Ukrainian language
Keywords: actually Ukrainian vocabulary; modern educator; professional competence; speech culture; synonymous series; tracing; typical lexical errors

Kuznietsova, A. M. (2019). Kulturomovna skladova profesiinoi kompetentnosti suchasnoho osvitianyna. Stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku kultorolohichnoi nauky: materialy V Mizhnarodnoi naukovo praktychnoi konferentsii (pp. 90–93). Mykolaiv : VP «Mykolaivska filiia KNUKiM» (ukr).


The problem of speech culture as an important component of professional competence of a modern educator is investigated in the scientific work. The "weak" categories of lexical norms of the modern Ukrainian language are revealed: the use of specific Ukrainian vocabulary, the synonymous richness of Ukrainian language, the distinction of paronyms, complex cases of the use of polysemous words. Examples of typical lexical errors in the professional speech of educators are given.