Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871



Author: Volos Olga Vasylivna
Fund: Articles
Category: History
Keywords: agrarian; books «Conversation about rural farming»; educator; E. Kh. Chikalenkoinnovator; practitioner


Among the outstanding Ukrainian personalities who faithfully and truthfully served their native land and folk, and who deserve national recognition today – Glorious Ukrainian Yevhenii Chikalenko (1861–1929), a well-known public figure author, publisher, philanthropist, educator, agronomist and landowner. His intellectual heritage is unique as for its agricultural content and originality. Economic and agricultural Yevhenii Chikalenko’s activity and cooperation with rural producers had an impact on the improvement of agricultural production in Ukraine in the 19th – 20th centuries, and it left a noticeable mark in the history of domestic agrarian science. The author named his scientific work in an peculiar way – «Conversation about rural husbandry» published in five books. They were first published in Ukrainian (Odesa, 1897), translated and republished in Russian (St. Petersburg, 1910) and reprinted several times. Totally it was about half a million printed copies. The publication is based on his own business experience as a dialogue with a reader. It should be noted that «Conversations...» went beyond the agrarian sector and had acquired general historical significance, as they revealed the enlightening dominants of Chikalenko's inner essence, for example, his desire to help his people not only materially, but also with thought, advice and action. Chikalenko is a bright talented figure of the Ukrainian national movement, who went down in history.