Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Using geoinformation services for visualisation educational information (by the example of the interactive map of Mykolaiv region educational institutions which work on the ideas of V. Sukhomlinskiy)

Author: Tykhonova Tetiana Valentynivna, Domaskina Maryna Anatoliivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: Іnformation visualization; geoinformation systems; geoinformation services; interactive maps; heritage of V. Sukhomlinskyi.

Tykhonova, T. V. & Domaskina, M. A. (2019). Vykorystannia heoinformatsiinykh servisiv dlia vizualizatsii osvitnoi informatsii (na prykladi interaktyvnoi karty zakladiv osvity Mykolaivskoi oblasti, shcho pratsiuiut za ideiamy V. O. Sukhomlynskoho) [Using geoinformation services for visualisation educational information (by the example of the interactive map of Mykolaiv Region educational institutions which work on the ideas of V. Sukhomlinskiy)]. Veresen, 1-2 (80-81), 39-46 (ukr).


The rapid increase in information in all parts of society makes a person quickly understand and analyze large amounts of data. Therefore, an important requirement for information is its convenience and visualization. Among many digital information visualization tools, geoinformation systems occupy a special place as a powerful visualization tool for mapping objects by providing contextual information about these objects. An example of an interactive educational card is the card "Working for V. Sukhomlinskyi" created on the eve of the centenary of Vasily Sukhomlinskyi's birthday to summarize information about the experience of schools of Mykolaiv region working on the ideas of a prominent Ukrainian teacher. The map contains geoinformation about the experience of 32 pre-school and secondary education institutions that introduce the following pedagogical ideas: moral, mental, spiritual, labor, aesthetic, ecological education of preschool children; development of native language culture; development of patriotism, civic position; mental education of primary and secondary school students; development of students' creative thinking, artistic and aesthetic values; health-saving technologies at school; formation of students' moral culture; formation and enrichment of teacher's pedagogical culture.