Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Specyfika realizaciji svitoghljadnykh pozycij D. Kremenja v zbirci «Eleghija trojansjkogho vyna»

Author: Nazarenko Liudmyla Anatoliіvna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: poetry, allusion, lyrical hero, piece of art, aesthetic education.

Nazarenko, L. A. (2018). Specyfika realizaciji svitoghljadnykh pozycij D. Kremenja v zbirci «Eleghija trojansjkogho vyna» [Specificity of the realization of the world-outlook positions of D. Kremen in the collection «Elegy of the Trojan Wine»: towards the question of studying the literature of the motherland in the high school]. «Molodyj vchenyj», 6 (58) chervenj, 318–322. (ukr).


The article makes an attempt to comprehend the poetic skills of D. Kremen, his world view, to pay attention to their relevance, to prove the semantic significance of allusion, its inseparable connection with content, to project the influence of art works on the consciousness of students-readers.