Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Non-formal education of people of respectable age

Author: Klymenjuk Natalija Vasylivna, Bukach Mykola Mykolajovych, Prasol Dmytro Viktorovych, Zadorozhna Ljubov Kyrylivna, Saghach Ghalyna Mykhajlivna, Jaghodnikova Viktorija Viktorivna.
Fund: Textbooks, manuals
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: non-formal education, informal education, continuing education, training, people of respectable age, continuing socialization.

Neformaljna osvita ljudej povazhnogho viku (navchaljno-metodychnyj posibnyk) Za red. doktora pedaghoghichnykh nauk, profesora M.M. Bukacha.- Odesa: KZVO «Odesjka akademija neperervnoji osvity Odesjkoji oblasnoji rady» ta GhO OC UTV, 2020.


The manual is intended for those who organize the work of "universities of the third age", teaches people of respectable age who have a desire to help and support the older generation. Practitioners, regardless of basic education and profession, teaching experience, will find in the manual materials that will make lecture courses attractive to the elderly. This edition is carried out by the Public organization «Educational center« University of the third age »of the city of Mykolayiv.