Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Cultural contexts of musical art and education of Mykolaiv region

Author: Petrenko Olha Mikolayivna
Fund: Abstracts of speeches
Category: Music
Keywords: context method, meta-categories of culturology, models of cultures.

Petrenko, O. M. (2019) Kulturolohichni konteksty muzychnoho mystetstva i osvity Mykolaivshchyny / O. M. Petrenko// Stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku kultorolohichnoi nauky (pp.126-129) Mykolaiv : VP «Mykolaivska filiia KNUKiM» (ukr).


The method of the contextual approach to the analysis of cultural processes in the field of musical art and education of the Nikolaev area is used in article. It is proved that this branch of culture is an example of inheriting the experience of many generations and the development of the best traditions in modern times.