Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Reforms in educational field : From the educational landscape of Ukraine to the formation of the new educational space of Mykolayiv region

Author: Shuliar Vasyl Іvanovych
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: philosophy of education, educational landscape, new educational landscape, anthropocentrism, educational environment

Shuliar, V. I. (2018). Reformy v haluzi osvity: Vid osvitnoho landshaftu Ukrainy do formuvannia nooosvitnoho prostoru Mykolaivshchyny [Reforms in the field of education: From the educational landscape of Ukraine to the formation of the educational space of Mykolayiv region]. Dyrektor shkoly, 15–16, 4–8 (ukr).


The article highlights the current problem of organization of educational processes and technologies, approaches in management of regional educational networks following European and world standards, in particular Mykolaiv region