Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Preparation of primary school teachers for education of personality in the measurement of new educational realities

Author: Prodan Liubov Anatoliivna
Fund: Abstracts of speeches
Category: New Ukrainian school
Keywords: personality, creative personality, education, New Ukrainian school

Prodan L. A. Preparation of primary school teachers for the education of personality in the dimension of new educational realities / Pedagogical science and education in the modern dimension: problems and prospects of development: Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical. conf. May 14, 2020 / for the general ed. V. V. Yagodnikova. - Odessa: publisher Bukaev Vadim Viktorovich, 2020 - P. 129-131.


Reforming the education system of Ukraine and implementing the Concept "New Ukrainian School" directs the attention of the pedagogical community to the process of education based on values: moral and ethical (dignity, honesty, justice, care, respect for life, respect for themselves and others) and social -political (freedom, democracy, cultural diversity, respect for the native language and culture, patriotism, care for the environment, respect for the law, solidarity, responsibility.