Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Supervision and evaluation of students 'activities in the learning system in the pedagogical concept of V. O. Sukhomlinsky

Author: Prodan Liubov Anatoliivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: learning, development, assessment, assessment, individual approach, motivation, readiness for educational activities, humanization of education, development of student creativity, self-control, self-education, self-assessment

Prodan L. A. Control and evaluation of students' educational activity in the system of lessons in the pedagogical concept of V. O. Sukhomlinsky / Scientific Bulletin of the Nikolaev National University named after V. O. Sukhomlinsky. Pedagogical sciences: coll. Science. ex / ed. prof. Tatiana Stepanova. - No 4 (67), December 2019. - Mykolaiv: MNU named after V. O. Sukhomlinsky, 2019. - 284 p. Pp. 149-154


The reorientation of school learning in the information and reproduction process to the creative development of the student’s personality, the formation of his basic abilities-competencies, requires a change in approaches to assessing students’ achievements, which "must be based on a positive principle, which primarily involves taking into account the level of student’s achievement and not his degree of failures ". An assessment only becomes a stimulus that induces an active mental work when the relationships between the teacher and the student are built on mutual trust and benevolence. Control and assessment of students' knowledge, skills and competences is an integral structural component of the learning process. The learning process is a system with internal interconnections between their components. The components of this system are acting dependent on each other, the action of one determines the function of the other, since they are in complex relationships. An important component of a system of education in a secondary school is the control that the subsystem acts against that system. Characterization of the quality of knowledge, skills, that is, their assessment, performs a stimulating and motivational function, because it contains an incentive, under the influence of which the child develops a natural desire to improve, become better. Thanks to the assessment, the student is not indifferent to what kind of person they consider him to be a hard worker or a lazy non-worker. However, the impact of assessment, says Vasily, becomes a positive educational force only when it blends harmoniously with the inner spiritual world of the child. Assessment in the hands of a teacher becomes a tool of learning and upbringing if it awakens the child's desire to learn and supports, nourishes it, and does not punish failures or unwillingness to work. To evaluate knowledge is, first of all, able to commemorate success in learning, and for this purpose the teacher is called to find the right approach to each student, to keep the light of his curiosity, thirst for knowledge.