Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Author: Opanasenko Liudmyla, Slivinska Tеtiana Alexandrovna
Fund: Articles
Category: Psychology
Keywords: content; ethical dilemmas; ethical principles and norms; ethical framework; network behavior; professional ethics; social networks
Author: Alina Viktorivna Kucherenko
Fund: Collections, collections
Category: Psychology
Keywords: Correctional and developmental program "Droplets", spheres of the psyche of the individual (cognitive, emotional, volitional), develop speech, sense of rhythm and coordination of movements, fine motor skills, creative abilities, thinking, conscious perception of the environment, verbal and non-verbal communication, etc.
Author: Pinugina Kateryna Oleksandrivna, Kloshkova A. V.
Fund: Methodical recommendations, manuals
Category: Psychology
Keywords: Career guidance, theoretical aspects, forms of work, method of professiograms, the concept of multiple intelligences, etc.
Author: Kucherenko Alina Viktorivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Psychology
Keywords: conflct situation; effctive activity; effctive team interaction; group activity management; social psychological environment; team; team-building; team consolidation, team development; training.
Author: Kucherenko Alina Viktorivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Psychology
Keywords: adaptation, inclusive education, modifiation, educational program, special educational needs, adaptation adapted