Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Book trailer as a means of development of professional competence of language and literature teachers

Author: Gych Galina Nikolaevna
Fund: Methodical recommendations, manuals
Category: Pedagogy
Keywords: literature lesson, creolized texts, book trailer, classification of book trailers on various grounds, stages of creating a movie, the main programs for creation.

Gich G. M. (2015) Book trailer as a means of developing the professional competence of language and literature teachers [Buktreiler yak zasib rozvytku profesiinoi kompetentnosti uchyteliv movy i literatury]. To help the Nikolaev teacher. Part 1. Mykolaiv, P. 166 - 173.


Methodical recommendations are devoted to one of the popular types of creolized texts - a trailer. Different classifications of book trailers are given. A detailed method of creating a trailer is described. The main programs for creating book trailers are named. The publication provides specific advice on the use of book trailers in literature lessons in different grades of primary and secondary school.