Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


About the obligatory STA-2021 in mathematics

Author: Pohromska Hanna Serhiivna, Makhrovska Natalia Anatoliivna
Fund: Abstracts of speeches
Category: Math
Keywords: STA, IEE, mathematics

Makhrovska, N.A. & Pohromska, H.S. (2021). Pro oboviazkove DPA-2021 z matematyky [About the obligatory STA-2021 in mathematics] // Teoriia i praktyka rozvytku naukovykh znan. materialy Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi (pp. 21-23). - Kyiv: MTsNiD (ukr)


the introduction of mandatory STA in the form of external evaluation will have a positive impact on improving the quality of school science and mathematics education. We consider the introduction of a competency-based approach at the level of The State Standard to be one of the promising ways to prepare for the STA and improve the quality of school science and mathematics education in general. Since the interest in natural and mathematical disciplines is determined primarily by their practical significance, this approach increases motivation, interest in studying the disciplines of the natural and mathematical cycle, stimulates the desire for scientific creativity, awakens a critical attitude to facts, gives students an idea of ​​science as nonsense. a capacious component of universal culture. One of the incentives for positive changes and approaches should be the announcement of the 2020/2021 school year as the Year of Mathematics, during which it is planned to solve the problems voiced by teachers during the survey