Mykolayiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute. ISSN 2786-4871


Organizationai and pedagogical conditions of developing the preschool eachers’ readiness to work in a multicultural environment

Author: Kalashnikova Svetlana Oleksandrivna
Fund: Articles
Category: Pre-school education
Keywords: intercultural communication training, multicultural competence, multicultural environment, method.

Kalashnykova, S. O. (2014). Orhanizatsiino-pedahohichni umovy rozvytku hotovnosti vykhovateliv doshkilnykh navchalnykh zakladiv do roboty v polikulturnomu prostori [Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of readiness of educators of preschool educational institutions to work in a multicultural space]. Veresen: naukovyi chasopys, 3–4 (68–69), 36–41 (ukr).


Organizational and pedagogical conditions of the development of preschool teachers ’ readiness for work in a multicultural environment are researched. An example of using of intercultural communication training in the in-between period of in-service preschool teachers training is given.